Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy 135 (pre-order)

Available for Pre-Order

In this issue, WS&S looks at the rise of Napoleon to Consul of France and then to Emperor, with a focus on the fighting in Egypt and the Marengo Italian campaign.

Theme: The War of the Second Coalition 
  • Rob Harper, 'Corsican ambition - Napoleon Bonaparte's rise to First Consul'.
  • Rob Harper, 'Napoleon's Middle Eastern adventure - The battles of Mount Tabour and Aboukir'.
  • Eoghan Kelly, 'The Italian campaign of 1800 - Flying like lightening and striking like a thunderbolt'.
  • Rob Harper, 'General Victor's determined stand - Refighting the Battle of Marengo: 14 June, 1800'.
  • Guy Bowers, 'To consul and then emperor - Building a French Republican army'.
  • Rubén Torregrosa, 'Napoleon in Egypt - Recreating Jean-Léon Gérôme's painting'.
  • Robert Lister, 'Wo sind die andern? - The Chasseurs Ardennais at Bodange 1940'.
  • James Morris, 'The Sutton Hoo kingmaker - Refighting the 616 Battle of the River Idle'.
  • Robert Lister, 'The Ottoman Empire strikes back - The Battle of Oltenitza: 4 November 1853'.
  • Joe Bilton, 'Rebuilding Caen - The iconic church for Operation Charnwood'.
  • Mark Bretherton, 'Better basing - A guide to simple but effective figure basing'.
  • Matt Stephenson, 'Faster, better Japanese - Painting the WWII-era Imperial Japanese army'.
  • Miniature reviews
  • Rick Priestley, 'This gaming life - Varnishing the elephant'.
  • David Hiscocks, 'The Irregular - Stillmania revisited: having fun in 2025'.
  • Chris King, 'What's new in Chain of Command 2 - The second edition of a popular WWII ruleset'. 
  • Jon Freeman, Robert Lister, Chris Payne, and Alex Shears, 'Game reviews - Armies of the United States (supplement for 3rd edition Bolt Action), Age of Chivalry (supplement for SAGA), Space Battles: A Spacefarer's Guide, Rapid Fire! Monty vs Rommel, and Conquest: Alexander and Hannibal (supplement for Strength and Honour)'.
  • Book reviews
  • Parting shots

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