Medieval Warfare IX.3

Format:Print edition
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In this issue of Medieval Warfare, Peter Konieczny sets out how foolish decisions and cruel bloodlust resulted in a terrible tragedy and human suffering on a grand scale during the 1527 Sack of Rome.

The 1527 Sack of Rome

  • Peter Konieczny, ''Hell itself was a more beautiful sight' - The 1527 Sack of Rome'.
  • Alexander Brondarbit, 'The final clash of the Wars of the Roses - The Battle of Stoke Field'.
  • Ilana Krug, 'Medieval military logistics - The practicalities of managing an army'.
  • Randall Moffett, 'The Tercios - Sixteenth-century infantrymen'.
  • Kay Smith and Ruth R. Brown, 'Where there's smoke, there's fire - The Arquebus'.
  • Mollie Madden, 'How to succeed in a Chevauchée - The Black Prince raids in France in 1355'.
  • Michael S.Fulton, 'The 'Turkish' trebuchet - Stolen technology or invented terminology?'.
  • Peter Konieczny, 'A medieval parody of warfare - The Battle of Anesin'.
  • Cait Stevenson, 'Sacking Liège - The arbitrary side of medieval warfare'.
  • Murray Dahm, 'Ivan the Terrible - Medieval Russia on screen, part 1'.

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