Medieval World 16

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In this issue, we explore how people learned during the Middle Ages: in the monastery or school room, at the training grounds, or even on the job.

Theme: Medieval education and learning

  • James G. Clark, "From monastery to university: The making of medieval education," 18-23.
  • Lucie Laumonier, "Learning a trade: Medieval apprentices," 24-27.
  • Robert Jones, "A schoolhouse for the sword: swordsmanship for the middle classes," 28-33.
  • Gary Leiser, "Medieval Islamic education: The rise of colleges of law," 34-39.
  • Jens Høyrup, "Algorism, abacuses, and computus: Medieval mathematics," 40-43.


  • Hal Dixon, "The Battle of Aljubarrota: Iberian warfare as told by Froissart," 8-11.
  • Robert Jones, "The Chivalric Code: More a set of guidelines...," 12-13.
  • Paul Martin Remfry, "Harlech Castle: Reappraising the sources," 14-17.
  • Alice Isabella Sullivan, "Pătrăuți Monastery: Architecture, murals, and light," 44-47.
  • Christopher Fletcher, "A rare book coffer: Mobile medieval manuscripts," 48-49.
  • Conor Robison, "'For the killing of one another:' The alliance that broke the Aztecs," 50-53.
  • Peter Konieczny, "Al-Hariri's Maqamat: A twelfth-century success," 54-55.
  • Jonathan Jones, "Book review: Henry V: The Astonishing Rise of England's Greatest Warrior King," 56.
  • Gabrielle Storey, "Book review: Queens and Queenship," 57.

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