Medieval World 13

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Late medieval Spain became a world power under the rule of its Catholic monarchs, Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon.  

Theme: Spain on the cusp

  • Jonathan Jones, "Famous 1492: The Year that Changed Spain," 18-21.
  • Tim Miller, "Our hearts melted and turned to water: The Expulsion of the Jews from Spain," 22-27.
  • Javier G. de Gabiola, "The Granada War: Driving the Nasrids from Spain (1482-1492)," 28-35.
  • Susan Abernethy, "Isabella and Ferdinand: Cultural, Religious, and Dynastic Legacies," 36-39.
  • Murray Dahm, "The Age of Discovery: Portugal and Spain 'find' the World," 40-45.


  • Alice Isabella Sullivan, "Saint Basil's Cathedral: Moscow's Jewel and Cultural Icon," 8-11.
  • Robert Jones, "A Weighty Matter: Moving and Fighting in Armour," 12-13.
  • Michael Kister, "The Battle that Never Was: Punta Salvore and the Myth of Venice," 14-17.
  • Thomas Lockley, "The 'enslaved gentlemen': A Trip from Japan to England," 46-49.
  • Mark Lewis, "The 'jagged sword' of Poland: Deciphering a Royal Talisman," 50-53.
  • Gabrielle Storey, "Seondeok of Silla: Rulership, Rebellion, and Religion," 54-55.
  • Murray Dahm, "Book review: Agincourt: Battle of the Scarred King," 56.
  • Tim Miller, "Book review: Judaism in South India, 849-1489: Relocating Malabar Jewry," 57.

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