Ancient Warfare XVI.5

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Augustus' reign started with a thorny problem. He was now the proud 'owner' of 50-odd legions, and no rivals to his power. For now. His solution was a system that lasted.

Theme: The Julio-Claudian legion

  • Duncan B. Campbell, 'Counting the emperor's legions - The army of Augustus'.
  • M.C. Bishop, 'Equipping the soldiers of the emperor - The Claudio-Neronian legionary'.
  • Robert C.L. Holmes, 'Naming and numbering the Roman legions - Numero et nomina'.
  • Ross Cowan, 'Tacitus on Boudicca's final battle - The defeat of victory'.
  • Lindsay Powell, 'The military reforms of Claudius - Optimized for operations'.


  • Stephen DeCasien, 'Recreating an ancient naval ram - Beeswax to bronze'.
  • Murray Dahm, 'The "oldest" army - The Standard of Ur'.
  • Jo Ball, 'A Megarian casualty of the Graeco-Persian Wars - The grave stele of Pollis'.
  • Murray Dahm, 'The strength of the Athenian Lochos - Fighting for Athena'.
  • Mark McCaffery, 'Archers on the Hydaspes - Bows of the Dahae'.
  • William Matthews, 'The Qin conquest of the central states - Unifying China'.


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