Ancient History Magazine 37

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While there is no doubt that dogs, cats, and horses proved instrumental in the development of ancient civilizations, non-human help and support sometimes came from other, more surprising sources.

Ancient animal friends

  • Iain Ferris, 'What brings us together, what sets us apart - Animals in the ancient world'.
  • Sean Mowbray, 'A brief history of the ancient cat - Fluffy, grumpy companions'.
  • John C. Darnell and Colleen Darnell, 'Hunters, guards, and pets - Tjezem: Egypt's barkless hound'.
  • Sean E. McGrath, 'Man's unlikely best friend - The dolphin'.
  • Murray Dahm, 'Foiled by a gaggle of feathered friends - Silence of the dogs'.
  • Lindsay Powell, 'The steeds of gods and heroes - A horse that delights'.
  • Jo Ball, 'Canine tombstones and epitaphs from the Roman world - Dearly departed friends'.
  • Jona Lendering, 'The dark side of papyrology - Fakes, vandalism, and violence'.
  • Murray Dahm, 'Celebrating military victory - To the victor goes the spoils'.
  • Gareth Williams, 'Surviving the Athenian courts and assembly - Rough and tumble'.
  • Manon Henzen, 'Going vegetarian in antiquity - To eat or not to eat'.
  • Hugo Cook, 'Linking science and religion in ancient Egypt - Astronomy and the afterlife'.
  • Scott Forbes Crawford, 'The diverse duties of Chinese peace brides - Pawns, diplomats, spies'.

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