Update: The WS&S Games Challenge

I just thought I'd give you all an update on our game challenge from WS&S 93. We've had eleven entries in total for our challenge in a variety of scales and periods. These are now being sorted and passed on to our judges.

Just to remind you, the challenge was to come up with an aesthetically pleasing wargame that can be played out over a single evening.

  • It must be portable and no larger than a 2' x 2' footprint when set up. Any terrain should be able to fit in a shoebox, file box, or equivalent-sized container.
  • It must contain figures, although they can be of any scale. The costs for the figures must come in at £30 new or under, although we will assume that your measuring devices, dice, bases, flock, and paints are things you have already and do not need to be counted. We don’t need to split hairs over receipts and every last penny. Boxes of figures can be sensibly split – e.g. you use half a box of plastic figures and budget this as half the price of the box.
  • The rules should be able to fit on two pages of the magazine (so a word count of about 1600 words!).
  • It should look eye-catching and visually attractive. There is no budget for the terrain, but cheaper and scratch-built terrain will be looked on positively.
  • It should have some replay value.
  • Games should last between 20 minutes and three hours.

The best entries will be featured in WS&S. The winning game will win a year’s subscription to WS&S and be published in the magazine.

If you missed out on entering this time, don't worry. Think up some ideas and prepare to enter next time, as there is likely to be a next time.

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