A new dawn

Back in May 2010, a day after Revistas put the English magazine ‘on hold’, I was contacted by Jasper Oorthuys. of Ancient Warfare magazine. He asked me a simple question, ‘Was anyone else interested in taking up the challenge?’

Jasper, a keen historian and wargamer was indeed interested in taking up the challenge. I wasn’t then familiar with the magazine he ran, Ancient Warfare (shame on me!). From day one, I was impressed with the honesty and efficiency of Jasper and his team. Many meetings followed in both in the UK and Holland, we now approach issue 54 of WS&S (our first issue) with a new team. After months of deliberation and negotiations Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy magazine returns. Its been a long haul but we’ve got there finally. All going well you’ll see copies in your local newsagents and WH Smiths store after Salute 2011.

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