GWS 2017 14/31 questions – Some national differences

Tonight we'll have some more fun abusing the comparison feature of Surveymonkey. I selected the Top Six (by number of responses) countries and asked it to show me the results and indicate significant differences if and where they occurred. Six, you say? Well yes, the Netherlands happened to be the sixth country and I can't miss the opportunity to include it as well. So here's a short list of where each country differs significantly - according to Surveymonkey - from the other five.


  • 71.9% buy their wargaming supplies from a brick & mortar store.
  • 30.2% enjoy tournament-style games (high).
  • 14.5% visits as many conventions as possible (high).
  • 21.8% play at tournaments (high).


  • 52.2% buy their wargaming supplies from an independent online retailer (low).
  • 46% generally play at a local game store (high), 19.3% at a club (low), or at a convention (17.3% - high).


  • Only ten percent spend 250 euros or less per year.
  • 18.6% have wargamed for 5-10 years and only 4.5% for 30 years or more.
  • 51.4% are between 30 and 40, 3.4% are between 50 and 60, and only .2% are over 60.
  • 53.1% buy their wargaming supplies directly from the manufacturer online (low).
  • 77.8% buy their wargaming supplies from an independent online retailer (high).
  • 7.9% buy their wargaming supplies from a 'bring and buy' at a show (low).
  • Only 1.9% feel 'hanging out with their friends' is not an important aspect of wargaming.
  • 47.2% think researching the background history is 'definitely' an important aspect of wargaming (high).
  • 85.1% enjoy 'crossover' style games (high).
  • Only 13.6% enjoy 'block' wargames (low).
  • Generally less interested in historical wargaming (which is an odd contrast with the 'research' outcome above).
  • 75.8% generally plays at their own home (high), or at that of a friend (69.4% - high).
  • 22.8% (low) indicates a book or magazine article about a historical event is an important source for inspiration, but reviews (57.9% - high) are much more important.


  • 16.9% have wargamed for 30 years or more.
  • Only 11.6% are between 50 and 60.
  • Only 7% enjoy 'block' wargames (low).

United Kingdom

  • Only 8.5% have wargamed 5-10 years and 41.8% have wargamed for 30 years or more.
  • 55.9% buy their wargaming supplies from Ebay or similar marketplaces.
  • 26.1% feel 'hanging out with their friends' is an important part of wargaming 'to some degree' (high) and 67.1% feel that is 'definitely' important (low).
  • 48.4% do not care about 'building the optimal army list' as part of wargaming (high).
  • 23.2% enjoy 'chit'-style board wargames (high).
  • 15.2% indicates no conventions are within reach (low).
  • 47.9% (low) generally play at a friend's home, 21.3% (low) at a local game store.
  • 20.8% (low) indicates that a well-presented kickstarter campaign is an important source for inspiration.

United States

  • 36.1% have wargamed for 30 years or more.
  • 12.9% are over 60.
  • 42.2% enjoy 'chit'-style board wargames (high).
  • Lowest percentage of people who do not play miniature wargames at all (22.5%) and, conversely, the highest percentage who do.
  • Only 28.4% is not interested in the ACW (low) and 20.6% is very interested in that war (high).
  • 25.9% is not interested in the 18th century (low).
  • 25% generally play at conventions (high), only 9.6% play at a club (low), 59.4% at a local game store (high), and 52.6% at a friend's house.

Contribute to our 31 Questions challenge

Have any questions about the results of the Great Wargaming Survey 2017? Feel free to submit them here, but try to keep in mind what we can and cannot answer based on the questions and possible answers to the survey. To refresh your memory, check out a preview of last year's questions and possible answers.

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