2019: Prizes

A few quick points of order today.

First, I've already seen some very interesting results from this year's survey, but we're still brainstorming about how to present them.

We've let Rubicon Models, Wargames Atlantic and Sarissa Precision know how many sprues we need for rewards. We'll ship those as soon as stock comes in.

Finally, Guy has picked a bunch of numbers, matched them randomly to the prizes and we've matched those with respondents who left their email address. As a result, the following people will be getting an email! If you recognise your email below, keep an eye out, and maybe check your spam folder extra well in the coming days (or just email Guy!):

  • eivindt*****@gma***om 
  • Kristophergui*****@hotma***om
  • ja.howa*****@gma***om
  • dylanril*****@gma***om
  • Ma*****2@t-onli***de
  • dj*****on@sk***om
  • ma*****36@hotma***com
  • Pm*****ox@gma***om
  • theh*****st@gma***om
  • C*****ent29@btint***.com
  • De*****ki@gm***om
  • seppla*****@gm***om
  • d.par*****ead@sk***om
  • sm**512@yaho***.uk
  • rma*****rie@gmai***om
  • murra*****ad1@gm***com
  • Ga*****eyers@gm***om


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