Summer doldrums

While some of our colleagues are enjoying the sun in faraway places, the rest of the Karwansaray team is working in the, luckily fairly cool, offices in Zutphen while tourists amble along the street and look in our windows once in a while.

Admittedly, it could be much worse, but it did make us think of everyone else who has to work during these quiet days of Summer (in the northern hemisphere). We feel for you, and definitely think you should have something good to read when you’re not at work (or at work, we won’t tell!). So we’ve put together two really good offers. Use the coupon code summermag* on the cart page to get 20% off any regular paper back issues, and summersub to get 10% of any subscription. Note that you can’t use both coupon codes in the same order, so if you want to purchase from both categories, you’ll have to split them up. Enjoy it all in our shop!

This offer is valid through August 19th for both hard-working readers in offices, factories, shops, restaurants, anyone enjoying their vacation on a beach or at your favorite historical site, and everyone else.

* If you’re already a subscriber, make sure you’re logged in at checkout to use the built-in discount registered subscribers get automatically!

** Wondering about the image? That’s one of the oldest cover mockups we created before we started Ancient Warfare back in early 2007. Just more nostalgia while we’re coming up on Ancient Warfare’s 50th issue.

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