Ancient Warfare IX.6

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The aftermath of battle Battles are fascinating arenas where men dole out death. But what happens after the armed conflict ends and the dust has settled?

Theme: The aftermath of battle

  • Josho Brouwers, 'The aftermath of battle - Historical introduction'.
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Miesen, 'War booty in ancient Greece - The spoils of war'.
  • Sidney E. Dean, 'Germanic post-battle human sacrifice - Bog bodies and broken blades'.
  • Lindsay Powell, 'Celebrating victory the Augustan way - A trophy proud to thee'.
  • Mark McCaffery, 'The gates of Janus - Geminae belli portae'.
  • Gareth Williams, 'Rout and surrender in ancient Greece - Running away'.
  • Cezary Kucewicz, 'War dead in ancient Greece - Ancestral custom'.
  • Owen Rees, 'Unspoken homecomings in ancient Greece - The lost Nostoi'.


  • Arnold Blumberg, 'Praetorians during the Roman Republic - A Roman general's personal bodyguard'.
  • Michael J. Taylor, 'A look at the Roman wedge formation - What was a Cuneus'.

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