Dutchies do AWI

My previous blog was planned to be an introduction to the Dutch Miniature Wargaming Facebook Group’s new project: the American War of Independence / the American Revolution, but I got somewhat sidetracked into telling you about the Dutch wargame ‘scene’, the origins of these projects, etc. But new blog, new opportunities, so here’s the second attempt.

A group of three dozen wargamers has signed onto this project, though experience teaches us not all of those will be joining the actual fray. In August of 2016, I expect 20 or so to show up in Utrecht to refight a few historical scenarios from the campaigns in the Carolinas and Georgia in 1779 and 1780 as well as some more ‘historically flexible’ scenarios for Muskets & Tomahawks allowing favorite warriors and units to make an appearance as desired. I’ll be using this blog to report on the project, and I won’t be doing it alone either. Several of my co-conspirators have promised to send me short reports of their collecting and painting progress to incorporate into my own while others have taken the brave step to promise to file blogs all by themselves. Allow me to introduce these gentleman-warriors, in random order. 

Mats Elzinga: a 40-something father of six, who loves his wife, his job, toy soldiers and the good life in general. For Camden, he takes up Caswell’s ill-fated militia brigade, Armand’s dashing legion and Maryland artillery. Mats has contributed to several Warhammer Ancient Battles publications and Beneath the Lily Banners. He’ll be blogging independently.

Jeroen Stroomer reports: Where to find the community? That was the main question I asked myself not even two years ago. With hobby time reduced by real life (work, kids), keeping up with the GW tournament scene became more of a second job than a hobby. Time for a change. Whilst knowing a few people who play historical wargames and buying the occasional historical miniature over the years, I couldn’t recall ever combining these two into playing a game. Much has changed. Two years, several rulesets, lots of minitatures and a good number of games later, I have found the larger community in the Dutch Miniature Wargamers FB group. However, with many different game systems, scales and  historical periods, as well as the wargamer’s well-known tendency to focus on a project only until the next great idea comes along, setting up a game outside my usual gaming groups is certainly more daunting than with 40K. Therefore, I really like the initiative of the 2016 AWI project. Collectively preparing armies, sharing the progress and as a result a day of gaming and getting to know new people. All things that make wargaming a great hobby.

Peter van Dop: a financial consultant for Rijkswaterstaat (the Dutch Highway Agency) who also studies for a degree in history. He hopes to get his bachelor’s degree at Utrecht University in July 2016, after which he’s planning to get a Master’s in military history at Amsterdam University. Peter can’t remember when started playing  wargames; that was too many armies ago. Peter will blog independently.

Jasper Leenarts: a gamer first and a painter second, he started out with Warmachine almost 10 years ago, but nowadays considers himself a historical wargamer. Current favorite games include SAGA, Bolt Action and FNG 2nd tour. His great challenge [surely not just for him] will be to get his army painted in time. That is why he opted for the small skrimishes played with the Muskets and Tomahawks rules. Right now he’s in the pleasant process of what models to buy at Crisis for this project.

Jur de Jong: a wargamer (and boardgamer, and roleplayer, and megagamer) since he was 12. His interest in gaming and military history is eclectic, but last year he managed to focus for once and co-author a book on the Dutch contribution to the Waterloo campaign. The gap left in his diary is rapidly filling up, one of the new projects being the American Rebellion. Jur will blog independently.

As for myself, I’ll be taking Rawdon’s brigade at Camden. I’ve already got a unit of Volunteers of Ireland, but I’ll be having fun trying to figure out the uniform for the infantry of the British Legion, loyalist militia and the Royal North Carolina Regiment. Hopefully I can manage to complete my allotment without Christy’s assistance this time…

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