Medieval Warfare VII.6 subscriber copies

Medieval Warfare issue VII.6 was mailed out just before Christmas. Unfortunately, it seems that in the UK (where it was mailed from), Royal Mail was overwhelmed by the volume of post, and they are still trying to catch up. At the same time, copies mailed to North America, coming in through major airports in the northeast, got caught in the winter weather. All that combines to make distribution of this issue much slower than we would like. We just want to reassure our readers that their magazine is on the way and if experience is any help, it will get to you just fine in due course.

To tide you over, the PDF version of Medieval Warfare VII.6 is only €2, ánd you get 25% off on all print back issues of Medieval Warfare using the discount coupon code SlowMail (click to activate) at checkout. This offer is valid till Sunday January 21st, 2018.


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