The Great Wargaming Survey 2024!

You may already have heard about it on the latest episode of the WSS Podcast, or seen it on Social Media, but the 2024 Great Wargaming Survey is underway and is open until August 31st. Haven't taken it yet? Do so now!

We can't tell you what the questions are this year - you're not supposed to have a chance to think about them ahead of time - but rest assured it's a combination of questions from previous years, and a few new ones.

As always, we're very grateful for anyone who takes the time to fill in the survey, and to express that gratitude, we've got a few freebies and a generously sponsored raffle! 

Every participant gets a €5 discount valid for most products on this site, as well as free access to three carefully selected back issues of WS&S on WSS Online. Finally, everyone gets an exclusive STL of a 15th-century French herald, courtesy of Wargames Atlantic.

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