Another survey complete!

The Great Wargaming Survey is over for 2016. Though we’re slightly disappointed at not breaking the ‘magic’ number of 10,000 responses, we did get very, very, very, close. Besides, let’s face it, 9,997 responses is nothing to sneeze at.

In fact, it’s an increase by 22% over last year and therefore an extremely awesome and satisfying result. Thank you very much to everyone who took the time to respond, to those who shared and liked our promos on Facebook, blogged about it, talked about it on forums or spread the news in any other way.

A very big thank you is due, of course, to video-creators who really helped us draw attention to the survey (names link to the videos, if you’d like see what you missed):

And then there are the prizes. 8287 participants left their email address to be entered into the prize raffle. This morning, using, we created 15 numbers in the range 1-8287. That resulted in the following winners. I’ll contact you myself as well, but in case that email goes haywire, please contact me (not the sponsors!) if you recognize the email address below. As above, a we’re grateful to the sponsors for making these prizes available.

  • n**@helh*** - A Warlord Games Waterloo Black Powder starter set
  • bi**az1900@h*** - A Rubicon plastic box set of the winner’s choice
  • Da*.*mrt@g*** - A Plastic Soldier Company plastic box set of the winner’s choice
  • Tro**y99@h*** - A Victrix plastic box set of the winner’s choice
  • Bri** - A Gripping Beast plastic box set of the winner’s choice
  • Tim.**ine** - A Perry Miniatures boxed set of the winner’s choice (ACW starter set excluded)
  • an**ony.b**nington@ora***.fr - A copy of Osprey Publishing’s Horizon Wars and one of Poseidon’s Warriors
  • s**on**ig@ho*** - Two Pen & Sword wargames books of the winner’s choice
  • ol**uyjj@gm***.com - The 4Ground ‘Chicago Way’ complete terrain set
  • ld**27@*** - A Pendraken 10mm army pack of the winner’s choice
  • ev**mor**s85@g*** - Two copies of Baccus Polemos rules of the winner’s choice
  • G***don**8@bti*** - A two-year subscription of the winner’s choice to Ancient Warfare, Ancient History Magazine, Medieval Warfare or Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy
  • ch**home@bl*** - A two-year subscription of the winner’s choice to Ancient Warfare, Ancient History Magazine, Medieval Warfare or Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy
  • Tote**op**warf@*** - A two-year subscription of the winner’s choice to Ancient Warfare, Ancient History Magazine, Medieval Warfare or Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy
  • Es**rex@***  - A three-year subscription of the winner’s choice to Ancient Warfare, Ancient History Magazine, Medieval Warfare or Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy

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