OOP back issues

Ancient Warfare has been around for over a decade now, and is fortunate in that many readers seem to like to collect back issues. Inevitably, that means that we run out of stock of some old issues sooner or later. At the moment, that's the case for seventeen editions, many old and venerable, some a lot more recent.

We regularly get requests for some of those back issues and as we do not enjoy disappointing our readers, we've have been in talks with our printer. As a result, we now have options to print small runs of old issues at good quality and reasonably affordably. To gauge which issues need reprinting first, I've set up a very simple survey. Once we hit enough votes for an issue, we'll get printing.

Create your own user feedback survey

Final note: clearly this is not a pre-order system, so you're not stuck to anything, but please only vote for issues you would actually like to purchase. Nobody needs the expense of useless extra stock. 😉

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