Further references on Roman PTSD

The last issue of Ancient Warfare, issue X.1, featured an article by Joe Hall on Roman PTSD. Joe had more references to relevant secondary literature than could comfortably be made to fit in the issue itself. As stated in the article, they are now made available here. Enjoy!

P. 49, ‘A more direct example of potential PTSD comes from Mauretania Caesariensis…’ The inscription CIL 8, 21562 – also known as CLE 520 – has so far been little studied by those scholars looking into potential evidence for combat trauma, although Professor Peter Kruschwitz has covered it in his blog, The Petrified Muse, from which the translation used in the magazine article has been taken.

P. 50, ‘For example, in a study of the radically non-western Kalahari Bushmen…’ See: George J. McCall and Patricia A. Resick, ‘A pilot study of PTSD symptoms among Kalahari Bushmen’, Journal of Traumatic Stress 16:5 (2003), pp. 445–450.

P. 50, ‘After a month in the safety of the re-settlement centre…’ See: Blaine Harden, Escape from Camp 14 (London 2012: 187, 191). Speaking of his actions whilst in the prison camp, and the initial cover story he told to his new-found friends to hide the extent of his deeds, Shin said: ‘It has been a burden to keep this inside. In the beginning, I didn’t think much of my lie. It was my intent to lie. Now the people around me make me want to be honest. They make me want to be more moral… I feel extreme guilt for everything’ (ibid. 57–58).

P. 50, ‘Numerous other studies from both academics and…’ In particular see: D. E. Hinton & R. Lewis-Fernández, ‘The cross-cultural validity of posttraumatic stress disorder: implications for DSM-5’, Depression and Anxiety 0 (2010), pp. 1-19; and A. J. Marsella, ‘Ethnocultural Aspects of PTSD: An Overview of Concepts, Issues, and Treatments’, Traumatology 16 (2010), pp. 17–26.

P. 50, ‘Indeed, the term ‘category fallacy’ was coined…’ See: A. Kleinman, ‘Anthropology and psychiatry: The role of culture in cross-cultural research on illness’, British Journal of Psychiatry 151 (1987), pp. 447–454.

P. 50, ‘Due to their cultural beliefs, traumatised Cambodian refugees…’ See: D.E. Hinton et al., ‘The Khmer “weak heart” syndrome: fear of death from palpitations’, Transcultural Psychiatry 39.3 (2002), pp. 323–344.

P. 50, ‘What is understood as a simple disruption in…’: See: D.E. Hinton et al., ‘Nightmares among Cambodian refugees: the breaching of concentric ontological security’, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 33.2 (2009), pp. 219–265.

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