Ancient Warfare 100 and on...

Hi everyone!

As you may (or may not) know, issue XVII.6 of Ancient Warfare is the 100th issue of the magazine (! - eep!). From that point onwards, we're going to switch to issue numbers - so 101, and so on. It seems a less-cumbersome way of doing things (even if we secretly enjoy using Roman numerals).

We're currently finishing off issue XVII.4, and it is therefore about that time that we look forward to the themes of next volume of the magazine, that is for 2025. This will encompass issues 101-106. As we've done in the past, we're asking you, our loyal readers and subscribers, for ideas about themes you'd like to see in the year ahead.

In recent years we've explored the Saxon Shore, the life of a legion (upcoming), Alexander the Great, Rome's enemies, the Persian wars, and late Roman conflicts in the east, several of which were based on readers' suggestions - will your suggestion make it as an issue theme? Here is an overview of all previous themes.

Keep in mind that an issue's theme connects about half of the articles in each issue (about 30 pages) around a particular subject, whether that be a period, culture, fighting style, or individual. Themes have also got to be illustrateable with photos of artefacts, sculptures, ruins etc.

Early runners for the themes of 2025 include the next in our series looking at the development of the legion (we're up to the high empire, so the legion from the late 1st century AD and into the second - the 'classic' legion as seen on Trajan's Column and Marcus Aurelius' Column), and a second issue exploring Alexander's conquests (from Gaugamela onwards, so 331-323 BC). But, we do enjoy seeing what you'd like to read. So, please let us know your thoughts and ideas for other themes  we should explore for 2025 - and here's to the next 100 issues!


I will never tire of the Hellenistic era – so, the more, the better. I would also appreciate whatever you can do with the Third Century Crisis. More East Asian material would be welcome as well – for example, what theme(s) could you build around Chandragupta or Ashoka or Qin Shihuangdi?


I’d also be interested in the Illyrians as well the Social War and post Roman kingdoms in Gaul and Spain.

Oh and anything more on the Etruscans


Chris Lane

I would like to know more about Illyrian revolt, Celts ( not just Gauls), wars and lifes od the Diadoci and succeddors, people and kingdoms of North Africa, about the Phoenicians, Cyprus and other islands of the Mediteran…

Tomislav Budiscak

1. The first “international coalition” to bring down the Neo-Assirian empire.
2. The campaign of conquest of Cambyses II in Egypt.
3. Expansion of the Inca empire.

Angles of the Ancients

Summaria- birth of empires
The Akkadian revolt
Twilight of an empire- the rise and fall of the Neo-Summerian empire

John Beshenich

A. The Athenian Expedition to Egypt 460- 454 BC
B. The Kitos War 115 – 117 AD
C. The Battle of Mantineia 418 BC

Spyridon Aslanis

Stick with Roman history. If we had more info on the Bronze Age l enjoy the period as well.

Joe Wurzer

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