References for issue 7

Radu Alexander, A city without rival

  • I.E.S. Edwards – The Cambridge Ancient History
  • Clifford Mark McCormick - Palace and Temple: A Study of Architectural and Verbal Icons
  • Frank Northen Magill - Dictionary of World Biography, Volume 1 
  • Stephanie M. Dalley - Hanging Garden of Babylon: an Elusive World Wonder Traced
  • Paul Kriwaczek - Babylon: Mesopotamia and the Birth of Civilization
  • John McClain – The Destruction of Nineveh
  • Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology - 
  • Ashurbanipal Library Project -

Andrei Pogăciaș, Sennacherib’s palace

  • David Kertai - The architecture of Late Assyrian royal palaces (2015)
  • John Malcolm Russell - Sennacherib’s Palace without Rival at Nineveh, Chicago (1991)
  • John Malcolm Russell - The Writing on the Wall - Studies in the Architectural Context of Late Assyrian Palace Inscriptions (1999)

Sean Manning, Library of Assurbanipal

  • Dominique Charpin - Reading and Writing in Babylon (2010).
  • Carsten Peust - “Über ägyptische Lexicographie”, Lingua Aegyptica 7 (2000) 
  • M.P. Streck, “Großes Fach Altorientalistik,” Mitteilungen der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft (2010)
  • Michael P. Streck - “Sprache (language),” Reallexikon der Assyriologie Band 13 (2011-2013) {text in English}

Sidney Dean, Ishtar

  • A. Kuhrt - The Ancient Near East: 3000-330 BC (2010)
  • W.G. Lambert - “Ištar of Nineveh”, Iraq 66 (2004)
  • M. Van de Mieroop - A History of the Ancient Near East: 3000-323 BC (2007)
  • J. Reade - “The Ištar Temple at Nineveh”, Iraq 67 (2005)
  • D. Snell - Religions of the Ancient Near East (2011)

Roel Konijnendijk, Xenophon at Mespila

Julian Reade - “Greco-Parthian Nineveh,” Iraq 60 (1998)

S. Dalley - “Nineveh after 612 BC,” Altorientalische Forschungen 20 (1993)

A. Kuhrt - “The Assyrian heartland in the Achaemenid period”, Dans les Pas des Dix-Mille: Peuples et Pays du Proche-Orient vus par un Grec (1995)

Marc DeSantis, Layard at Nineveh

Both Nora Kubie’s 1963 Road to Nineveh and Gordon Waterfield’s 1968 Layard of Nineveh provide accessible and detailed narratives of Layard’s life and his work on Mesopotamia. Layard’s career after he left archaeology is of vast interest as well, and Waterfield devotes a good portion of his book to his subsequent career in politics and government service.

  • Lionel Casson - Libraries in the Ancient World (2001)
  • J.E. Curtis and J.E. Reade, eds. - Art and Empire (1995)
  • Nora Benjamin Kubie - Road to Nineveh (1964)
  • Julian Reade - ‘The Palace of Senncherib at Nineveh,’ Scarre
  • Chris Scarre, ed. - The Seventy Wonders of the Ancient World (1999)
  • H.W.F. Saggs - The Might that was Assyria (1984)
  • Gordon Waterfield - Layard of Nineveh (1968)

Maura Andreoni, Parrots

  • Andreoni M. 2010, “Il Pollo sultano nei mosaici di Ravenna,” in Il Carrobbio, anno XXXVI, 2010, Patron Ed. Bologna, pagg. 15 – 22.
  • Andreoni M. 2013, “Il Delta del Po e i suoi fenicotteri: riflessioni tra storia e attualità,” in Il Carrobbio, anno XXXIX, 2013, Patron Ed. Bologna, pagg. 7-11.
  • Cattabiani A. 2015, Volario, Simboli, miti, misteri degli esseri alati: uccelli, insetti, creature fantastiche, Mondadori Ed. Milano.
  • Ciofetta S. 1991, “Il battesimo di Cristo di Giovanni Bellini: patronato e devozione privata,” in Venezia Cinquecento 1-2.
  • Clifton D. Br, Ed. in Chief, 2003, Death and Dying, Vol. 1, The Presence of Death, Virginia Tech University, Sage Publications Inc., Thousand Oaks, California.
  • Connors C., 1998, Petronius the Poet, verse and literary tradition in the Satyricon, Cambridge University Press.
  • Harrison S., 2000, Apuleius: a Latin Sophist, Oxford Un. Press.
  • Impelluso L. 2011, La natura e i suoi simboli, Dizionari dell’arte, Mondadori Electa Ed. Milano, pagg. 302-303.
  • Iwaniuk A.N., J.E. Nelson J.E. 2003, “Developmental differences are correlated with relative brain size in birds: A comparative analysis,” in Canadian Journal of Zoology, 81, pp. 1913–1928.
  • Jobling J. A. 2010, Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names, Christopher Helm Ed. London.
  • Lorandi M. 1995, Il mito di Ulisse nella pittura a fresco del Cinquecento italiano, Jaca Book.
  • Morini L. (cur.) 1996, Bestiari medievali, Einaudi Ed. Torino.
  • Rigon F. 2007, “Un pappagallo al Battesimo”, in Bellini a Vicenza, Cittadella, pagg. 25-35.
  • Squillace G. 2015, Le lacrime di Mirra. Miti e luoghi dei profumi nel mondo antico, Il Mulino Ed. Bologna.
  • Toynbee J. M. C., 1973, Animals in Roman Life and Art, Thames and Hudson, London and Southampton.

Who – When – Where: list of the ancient authors who wrote about Parrots

Ctesias the Cnidian Fifth century BC Fragment 8 (= Diodorus, World history 2.53.2
Diodorus Siculus First century BC World History 2.53.2
Ovid First century BC/First century AD Amores 2.6
Pliny the Elder First century AD Natural History 10.117, 11.132
Apicius First century AD On Cooking 6.6
Petronius First century AD Fr. 41 (B) (=AL 691)
Martial First century AD Epigram 14.73
Statius First century AD Silvae 2.4
Persius First century AD Satire 8, prologue
Plutarch First/second century AD Soll. An. 972 f
Artemidorus of Daldis Second century AD Book of dreams 4.58
Apuleius Second century AD Florida 12
Aelian Second century AD Nat. An. 13.18, 16.2
Philostratus Second/Third century AD Lives of the sophists 487
Solinus Third century AD Wonders of the world 52
Macrobius Fourth/fifth century AD Saturnalia 2.4.29-30
Isidore of Seville Seventh century AD Etymologies 12.7