Ancient Warfare XVI.3

Format:Print edition
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Even before the empire split into two separate halves, the Augusti in the East had to contend with devastating Gothic raids and near-constant wars with the Sasanian Empire.

Theme: The Late Roman East

  • Murray Dahm, 'The city of Constantinople and its orbit - The new Rome'.
  • Jeremy Solel, 'The person-Roman Wars of AD 337-361 - The Simurgh against the Aquila'.
  • Vladimir T. Vasilev, 'The Battle of Thessalonica, AD 380 - Another Gothic victory'.
  • Murray Dahm, 'The Battle of Adrianople, 9 August, AD 378 - The empire's darkest day'.
  • Claire Millington, 'Letters to a cavalry prefect - "Greetings to Nonna and the sweetest Constantius"'.
  • Jeroen Wijnendaele, 'The elite sentinels of the Eastern Roman army - The buccellarii'. 
  • Michael J. Decker, 'Belisarius' great triumph - The Battle of Dara'.


  • Anneka Mihajlov, 'The parallel development of mounted warfare - Early Greek cavalry'.
  • Mark McCaffery, 'Not simply something for you to throw - The pilum',
  • Jo Ball, 'A bear catcher's thanks to Silvanus - A specialist's job'.
  • Mike Dobson, 'The environmental impact of the Roman Siege of Numantia - Roman "eco-warriors"'.

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