Ancient Warfare XIII.2

Format:Print edition
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Natural and man-made geography exerts its influence on warfare, determining the passage of whole armies and fleets, sometimes allowing a single soldier to hold up an entire host.

Theme: the role of geography in ancient warfare

  • Robert C.L. Holmes, 'Geography and war in the ancient world - Dictating destiny'.
  • Sean Manning, 'Kaneš to Kayseri in 4,000 years - Passes of the Anti-Taurus'.
  • Robert C.L. Holmes, 'Urban warfare in Alexandria, 48-47 BC - Blood in the streets'.
  • Evan Schultheis, 'The terrain of the Catalaunian Fields - "I have the high ground!"'.


  • Jon Coulston, 'Waging war in the archaeological record, part II - Open conflict'.
  • Graham Wrightson, 'Combined arms in ancient Greece - Beginnings of integrated warfare'.
  • Boris Dreyer, 'A scientific adventure - Testing a F.A.N. theory'.
  • Murray Dahm, 'Sending a slingshot message - "Take this!"'.
  • Tacticus, 'Taktikè Technè, part XI - Phormio and "fast triereis"'.
  • Duncan B. Campbell, 'Staff officers of the Roman army - the beneficiarii'.

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