Unboxing the V3 Bolt Action introduction set

Warlord Games kindly sent Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy a copy of their Bolt Action Introduction Set to review. So, we thought we would do an unboxing and see what the set held. 

Inside the box is a carefully packed set that includes miniatures, scenery, a printed playmat (30” x 22.4”), six order dice, eight ordinary white D6 dice, a small dice bag, markers, and an introduction to the basic rules.

Two frames of the Warlord ruined farmhouse set can be found inside, which are enough to build up some basic cover for the game. We have an article in our up and coming issue WS&S 133 on how to convert the plastic ruins.

This boxed set comes with two sprues of the German Grenadiers, enough to create 12 infantry. While they come with a host of options, only the rifle and submachinegun options are useful for the basic game. The assault rifle, panzerfaust and the MG42 machinegun are outside the scope of the basic game. Three of the order dice provided are grey for use with the Grenadiers.

There are also two sprues of the new US Rangers, giving twelve models, enough for two small squads and a bazooka team. The Ranger sprue offers plenty of weapon options, but again, only the rifles, submachineguns and bazooka are used in this basic game. Options for sniper rifles and Browning Automatic Rifles aren't covered. Three of the order dice provided are green for use with the Rangers. 

Bases are provided as standard, which is most useful. There are more than needed, so spare bases can be used as markers for objectives or as spares.

The set also comes with a few tokens. Pin markers are provided along with a simple ruler and a paper Sdkfz 251 Hanomag.

The introduction rulebook is surprisingly simple. This will be easy to follow for non wargamers if a little simplistic for regulars. There again, it is an introduction set.

The book has six very basic scenarios, each introducing a new rule concept. The rules are for the 3rd edition but only cover the general mechanics. A copy of the new rulebook will be needed if the players want to go beyond small arms. No army lists are provided.

As a bonus, the box tray has been printed so it can double up as a bunker terrain piece. 

The guide's contents are useful; the book goes into how to assemble and paint the models. It also gives players a glimpse at the wider world of Bolt Action to whet their appetite.

This is a very good introduction set for the hobby, so it'll be a good buy for a newbie wargamer. It contains an assembly guide and a painting guide for the models and the terrain. The price is set at a good level as well, at £42.50 for 24 infantry, scenery, dice and the booklet. Normally a single Bolt Action sprue would cost £12.00 each.

Existing players may find this lacking, as this only gives the most basic information for the new edition. However, veteran Bolt Action players may buy this set for reinforcements.


Most if not all gamers would be more likely to try a new rule set or period if the content was going to be useful if he was going to build on it if he took up playing the game.
ie. Building ruins, a platoon of infantry, British assault troops (Comandos), Airborne infantry, an objective, price or useful will play a part.
You don’t need a glider to show a landing just a marker. If it’s going to have a German platoon then a bridge large enough for armour to cross, a/t gun, & emplacement, lmg post, rulebook or discount on hardback.
But it must show value at least the same as any other starter pack.
Perhaps more because the purchase will be for non B/A gamers.

Mike Leese

A really old farm house, some old German & American models and a few dice with cheaply made cardboard counters. Warlord Games have missed the target again. Whats next, cardboard standees? Uninspiring for new players, pointless for Bolt Action players.


Have the set on pre-ordre with Firestorm Games.

Ken Butt

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