Maps for WS&S 132

Here are the maps for Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy 132. All maps are created by and copyrighted to Rocío Espin.

Page 19. We're all going on a Boar Hunt - map for the hunting scenario. Article by Michael Hoddinott.

Pages 23. The battle of Kenilworth. A Second Barons' War scenario by Jonathan Jones.

Page 27. Map for The Struggle for Alaska. The battle of Sitka by Adam Sharp. 

Page 33. Map for Lunge - Parry - Riposte. Late War 1944-45 scenario by Chris King.

Page 41. Scenario 1 for Sherman's March. The Dawn Raid scenario by Colin Farrant.

Page 42. Scenario 2 for Sherman's March. Bummers by Colin Farant.

Page 45. Scenario 3 for Sherman's March. Sherman's Necktie by Colin Farant.

Page 46. Scenario 4 for Sherman's March. Ebenezer Creek by Colin Farant.

Page 51. The battle for Honey Hill by Eoghan Kelly.

Online article. The battle for Griswoldville by Robert Lister. 

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