A new magazine about the Middle Ages!

Karwansaray Publishers has launched a new magazine about the Middle Ages, titled Medieval World: Culture & Conflict!

This publication picks up where its sister magazines – Ancient Warfare and Ancient History – leave off. The new magazine features the rich history and material culture of the Middle Ages – broadly conceived geographically and temporally – expanding on the contents of the popular Medieval Warfare magazine (the last issue of which was XI.6). Through short, well-researched, and lavishly illustrated articles, this accessible publication brings to light cultural activities in local and global contexts, historical figures and events, as well as political, religious, economic, and artistic facets of the Middle Ages.

Medieval World: Culture & Conflict is published bi-monthly and features articles written by leading scholars and early career researchers in various fields of study. Each issue centers on a theme that provides detailed coverage of a particular topic, as well as special articles on issues of daily life, legends, and key historical figures, events, and monuments in the Middle Ages. 

In addition to the excellent written content, this new magazine brings history and the material culture to life! The articles are illustrated with images of sites and objects from collections around the world, as well as original maps, drawings, and paintings. Accessibly written and splendidly illustrated, the magazine highlights the value of textual and visual records in reconstructing the rich and multifaceted historical and cultural dimensions of the Middle Ages. The inaugural issue focuses on the Holy Roman Empire at the end of the Middle Ages. 


Theme articles include:

  • Duncan Hardy, "The Late Medieval Holy Roman Empire: Imperial Visions and Local Realities," 14-21.
  • Peter Konieczny, "The Last Knight: The Life and Legacy of Emperor Maximilian I," 22-25.
  • Alice Isabella Sullivan, "Imperial Splendour: Armour and Regalia of the Holy Roman Emperors," 26-27.
  • Albert Winkler, "The Battle of Dornach: Swiss Pike Put a Stop to the Swabian War," 28-37.
  • Stephen Lahey, "The Hussites: Warfare and Reform in Bohemia," 38-43.

Special features include:

  • Atineh Movsesian, "The Monuments of Artsakh: Documents of History, Culture, and Religion," 8-9.
  • Thomas Lockley, "Yasuke: An African Samurai in Japan," 10-13.
  • Ellora Bennett, "Destroyers and Protectors: Early Medieval British Warriors," 44-47.
  • Manon Henzen, "Only 194 Dishes to Go: Lunch for the Emperor," 48-49. 
  • Kathryn Walton, "Putting a Ring on It: Magical Rings in Medieval Legend," 50-53.
  • Vicky McAlister, "Conwy and Harlech: The Welsh Castles of Edward I," 54-57.

The magazine also includes a "News" section in the beginning, featuring recent discoveries and projects related to the Middle Ages, as well as a "Further Reading" section at the end with key publications focused on the theme.

I am thrilled to lead this exciting new magazine! I am an art historian by training, and hold a PhD from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and an MA in art history from Williams College. I specialize in the artistic production of Eastern Europe and the Byzantine-Slavic cultural spheres, but my training in medieval history, art, and culture is wide and spans developments across Europe and the Mediterranean in the period between the 4th and the 16th centuries. This magazine aligns with my broader efforts to bring excellent scholarship about the Middle Ages to wide audiences. You can find my work here, and digital projects here. You can also follow me on Twitter.

Subscribe here!

Happy reading,

Alice I. Sullivan, PhD
Editor, Medieval World: Culture & Conflict



I’m very much looking forward to exploring the rich themes of the material planned for this title. My background is in the Humanities, Theology and the History of Art, especially of the Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance periods.

Stephen Miller

As one who majored in History and minored in Theology, I am reluctant to see the latter included in a magazine of medieval culture unless vetted by authorities from both sides of the spectrum. I find that subjects like Theology become suspect when written by authors having an agenda. It is too easy to “dumb down” medieval times as times of “Gothic Horror” or merely superstition, as supported by today’s “woke culture”…particularly in academia and Hollywood. You may lose some very good readers if you tread in these ares with too much modern analysis of what “things must have been like”’

Dan M Parker

Very much looking forward to the expanded content of the Medieval World: Culture & Conflict!

Michael Littman

Have to say that I am not impressed with this new direction. While the current issue has a good selection of articles, the idea to associate art and cultural history to Medieval Warfare is not that great. I would even say that having an art historian as the editor does not bode that well for the future. This looks like when a module is taken over by a lady or a gentleman whit no real background on the topic and basically changed in something else. I even did at times…

Said that I am not diminishing the importance of these topics, I took my exams in Roman and Greek art too. I even agree that at times they are relevant to warfare, and when this happens I do not mind to see them treated in Medieval Warfare. But diluting the focus of Medieval Warfare is not something I am happy to see. I would have much preferred to see the two magazine as Ancient Warfare and Ancient History. I strongly hope the decision will be overturned. I am also curious to see from where all the feedback came, I do not remember any survey on that…

Best Regards,
Dr. Arrigo Velicogna, PhD.

Arrigo Velicogna, PhD

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