GWS 2024: Winners!

No, we didn't forget! It's just one of those tasks on the to-do list that easily gets snowed under. Here are the raffle winners of the Great Wargaming Survey 2024. If you recognize your email address but haven't had an email from Guy Bowers, please get in touch!

  • Eureka Miniatures: one AU$150 voucher - builou2***@**
  • TooFatLardies - One full bundle of Infamy, Infamy, or Chain of Command, or Sharp Practice 2 of the winner's choice - reese.crawfor***@**
  • A Rubicon plastic box set of the winner’s choice - david.butche***@** & jo*@**
  • Wargames Atlantic: A box (exclusive. starter set) of the winner's choice- inferno-***@**, longley***@**, bobkelly***@**, and RSIMPKINS1***@**N.COM
  • Sarissa Precision: £25 voucher - avata***@** & pk_ma***@**
  • Warlord Games: a starter set (up to £100) of the winner’s choice - blair.fenn***@**
  • A plastic infantry or vehicle boxed set of the winner’s choice - lawful_e***@** & timlawl***@**
  • Gripping Beast: one plastic box set of the winner’s choice - mdhe***@**
  • Perry Miniatures: one plastic box set of the winner's choice (excl. ACW starter, Travel Battle set) - arawling***@**
  • Osprey Publishing: A wargaming rulebook of the winner’s choice - pbad***@** & warwe***@**
  • Pen & Sword Books: A book of the winner’s choice - belliott7***@** & Pilgrim***@**
  • Baccus 6mm: a set of rules of the winner’s choice - greg.albert8***@** & polarfuc***@**
  • Pendraken Miniatures: a 10mm Army Pack of the winner’s choice - Jamesrwpowel***@**
  • A two-year subscription of the winner’s choice to either Ancient Warfare, Ancient History Magazine, Medieval World or Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy - reillb***@**, kenwong443***@**, and kevin.howr***@**

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