Reader poll: periods/cultures of interest

Soon, we will be asking readers to send in suggestions for themes for volume VIII of Ancient Warfare. (Observant readers will notice that we already have a theme for the first issue of volume VIII.) Right now, we would like to get a general idea of the periods or cultures/regions you would most like to see covered in future issues of the magazine.

You can vote on only one topic, so make it count! If you prefer to read issues that examine a specific topic rather than a specific culture or period (for example, an issue devoted to the sword, or to a specific type of warrior or mode of fighting), vote “Diachronological” and feel free to explain your choice in the comments.

I have prepared a number of options in the poll, both general and more specific ones; select “other” if you cannot see anything that tickles your fancy and please explain what you would like to see in the comments section.

Please check the editorial plan before picking an option.

Over the years, Ancient Warfare has published many issues on a variety of topics spanning much of the ancient world. The emphasis has generally been placed on the Classical world, roughly between 500 BC and AD 500, from Classical Greece (the Persian Wars, the Peloponnesian Wars) to the age of Alexander and his successors, and the rise and growth of Rome, as well as its eventual downfall.

The purpose of this poll is therefore twofold. First, I am curious to see what readers of the website and visitors of the Facebook page, where this poll will be publicized, are interested in reading about.

Secondly, I wish to compare the results of this poll with the recommendations for themes that I will ask for in the very near future, as well as article proposals, to see if there is some disparity or congruence. This will help in better tailoring future issues of the magazine to the wishes of both readers and writers.

If you prefer to communicate with me directly, feel free to send me an email.

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