The Kickstarter that could!

And it’s over. Exactly 30 days ago I clicked the ‘Launch Kickstarter’ button. It felt like a momentous thing to do, and it was certainly more than a bit nerve-wracking. It’s easy enough to tell people what you’re planning to do, and luckily there are always people to utter kind and supporting words. But only when you actually ask people to support your ideas with their money do you get to find out whether you are the only one who thinks your idea is awesome.

Now though, I think I can safely say I feel very well supported! With 475 backers as the Kickstarter closed, we passed our goal in 10 days, reached our stretch goal in another 10 and we just barely missed reaching our second stretch goal for an final tally of €20,037. On behalf of Josho, Jona and myself, thank you very much for your encouraging words, for spreading the word and for your financial support.

Yesterday, hoping it would not be considered hubris, I applied for an ISSN - an International Standard Serial Number - for Ancient History Magazine. An ISSN is the magazine variant of the better known book code ISBN, an 8-digit number that uniquely identifies a periodical. That truely makes it official. Now Ancient History Magazine exists in the register of magazines. Now it has really begun…

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