Ancient History Podcast - Thoughts and Feelings?

By Owain Williams

Earlier this month, we released the fifth episode of the Ancient History Podcast! This has been something that I have been thinking about since I first joined Karwansaray Publishers back in 2022, so this is quite a milestone for me. 

So far we have had:

  1. Phoenicians Among Others with Denise Demetriou
  2. Archaeogaming with Briana Jackson
  3. Pax Augusta with Roger Gassman
  4. A History of the Roman Empire in 21 Women with Emma Southon
  5. The New Roman Empire with Anthony Kaldellis

I thought I would take this opportunity to ask you, the listeners, what you think of the podcast. What do you think of the format? Do you want to keep the one-to-one format or would you prefer something else? What about the timing? The current episodes have varied between half an hour and just over an hour. What about the subject matter? We have discussed a variety of topics on the podcast, from recent books to relatively new academic areas of study and even video game development.

Most importantly, though, have you enjoyed listening?

If you have any constructive comments or if there is a subject or guest you would like to hear on the podcast, let us know!


Hi Duncan,

I am very glad you have liked the series so far! Your idea about an episode on the Assyrian royal archives is an excellent idea. I’ll look into organizing one.

Owain Williams

I’ve really enjoyed the series so far. Eclectic and interesting and not too greco-Roman in focus. Could we hear from an Assyriologist talking about the most research into the Assyrian royal archives please. :)

Duncan Whinton-Brown

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