References for issue 3

Issue 3: Pergamon

Chris Bond, “Growing an ancient sedge - The papyrus”

Check out these other sources too for more information on this fascinating plant and its historical uses:

  • Evans, Elaine A.  Papyrus: A Blessing Upon Pharaoh, McClung Museum Occasional Paper, 2002.
  • Eyre, Christopher. The Use of Documents in Pharaonic Egypt. Oxford University Press, 2013.
  • Parkinson, Richard and Stephen Quirke, Papyrus. London: British Museum Press, 1995.

Dirk-Jan de Vink, “Cash in the first century AD - Money talks”

  • W.E. Metcalf (ed.), 2012. Handbook of Greek and Roman Coinage. Oxford University Press.
  • S. von Reden, 2010. Money in Classical Antiquity. Cambridge University Press.

Manolis Peponas, “Hellenism’s forgotten civilization - Pergamon”

  • Ioannis Tzamtzis: The Mediterranean World  (in Greek)
  • Pichard Evans: A History of Pergamum: Beyond Hellenistic Kingship
  • E.S. Gruen: The Hellenistic World and the Coming of Rome
  • J. Freely: The Western Shores of Turkey
  • M. M. Austin: The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest
  • E.V. Hansen: The Attalids of Pergamon

Cristian Violatti, The Attalid Jewel

  • Paul Bahn, Great Ancient Sites of the World (2009).
  • Colin McEvedy, Cities of the Classical World (2011).

Marc G. DeSantis, “The libraries of Alexandria and Pergamon - A bookish rivalry”

  • Barnes, Robert, 2001, “Cloistered Bookworms in the Chicken-Coop of the Muses,” in MacLeod, pp. 61-77
  • Boardman, John, et al., 1986, The Oxford History of the Classical World, Oxford.
  • Cartledge, Paul, 2000, The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization, New York.
  • Casson, Lionel, 2001, Libraries in the Ancient World, New York.
  • Evans, Richard, 2012, A History of Pergamum: Beyond Hellenistic Kingship, London.
  • Green, Peter, 2007, The Hellenistic Age, New York.
  • Lane Fox, Robin, 2006, The Classical World: An Epic History from Homer to Hadrian, New York.
  • Lane Fox, Robin, 1986, “Hellenistic Culture and Literature,” in Boardman et al., pp. 338-364
  • MacLeod, Roy, ed., 2001, The Library of Alexandria, London.
  • Sagan, Carl, 1980, Cosmos, New York.
  • Turner, James, 2014, Philology: The Forgotten Origins of the Modern Humanities, Princeton, New Jersey.

Theme: Tanya Sieiro van der Beek, “The great altar of Pergamon - Pergamene puzzle”

  • W. Hoepfner, “Siegestempel und Siegesaltare: Der Pergamonaltar als Siegesmonument”, in: W. Hoepfner & G. Zimmer (eds.), Die griechishce polis: architektur und Politik, Tübingen 1993, pp. 111-125.
  • Volker Kästner, “The altar terrace”, in: Felix Pirson & Andreas Scholl, Pergamon. A Hellenistic capital in Anatolia, Istanbul 2014, pp. 456-477.
  • B.S. Ridgeway, Hellenistic sculpture II. The styles of ca. 200-100 BC, London 2000.
  • Snodgrass, “The archaeology of the hero”, in: Richard Buxton (ed.), Oxford readings in Greek religion, Oxford 2000, pp. 180-190.
  • Stewart, “Pergamo Ara Marmorea Magna. On the date, Reconstruction and functions of the great altar of Pergamon”, in: Grummond & B.S. Ridgeway, From Pergamon to Sperlonga. Sculpture and context, London 2000, pp. 32-57.
  • R. Strootman, Kings against Celts. Deliverance from Barbarians as a theme in Hellenistic royal propaganda, Leiden/Boston 2005.
  • R. Strootman, Courts and elites in the Hellenistic empires. The near East after the Achaemenids, c. 350 to 30 BCE, Edinburgh 2014.
  • M.C. Sturgeon, “Pergamon to Hierapolis. From theatrical “Altar” to religious theater”, in: N.T. de Grummond & B.S. Ridgeway, From Pergamon to Sperlonga. Sculpture and context, London 2000, pp. 58-77.
  • P.A. Webb, “The functions of the Sanctuary of Athena and the Pergamon altar (the Heroon of Telephos) in the Attalid building program”, in: Kim J. Hartswick & Mary C. Sturgeon (eds.), Studies in the honor of Brunhilde Sismondo Ridgeway, Philadelphia 1998, pp. 241-254.

Pieter W. van der Horst, “Five ways to read four words - “The throne of Satan”“

  • H. Koester (ed.), Pergamon, Citadel of the Gods: Archaeological Record, Literary Description, and Religious Development (Harrisburg: Trinity Press International, 1998).
  • D.S. Potter, “Pergamum,” Anchor Bible Dictionary 5 (1992) 228-230.
  • D.E. Aune,  Revelation 1-5 (Word Biblical Commentary 52; Dallas: Word Books, 1997) 182-184.
  • W. Radt, W. Eder, “Pergamon,” Der Neue Pauly 9 (2000) 543-561.
  • L. Gallusz, The Throne Motif in the Book of Revelation (London: Bloomsbury, 2014), chapter 7.

Daan Nijssen, “How the Persians reinvented their past - Kayanian history”

  • N.E.M. Boyce: “Some Remarks on the Transmission of the Kayanian Heroic Cycle”, in: Serta Cantabrigiensia, Aquae Mattiacae, Wiesbaden (1953), 45-52.
  • N.E.M. Boyce: “The Parthian gōsān and Iranian Minstrel Tradition”, in: JRAS (1957) 10-45.
  • Christensen: “Les Kayanides”, in: Historisk-filologiske meddelelser 19.2 (1932), A.F. Høst & søn, Copenhagen.
  • Christensen: Les gestes des rois dans les traditions de l’Iran antique (1936), Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner, Paris.
  • T. Daryaee: “National History or Keyanid History?: The Nature of Sasanid Zoroastrian Historiography”, Iranian Studies 28 (3/4) (1995), 129–141.
  • T. Daryaee: “The Construction of the Past in Late Antique Persia”, Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 55 (2006), 493-503.
  • W. Duleba: The Cyrus Legend in the Šāhnāme, The Enigma Press (1995), Krakow.
  • G. Dumézil: Mythe et Épopée II – Types épiques indo européens : un héros, un sorcier, un roi (1971), Gallimard, Paris.
  • G. Gnoli: The Idea of Iran; An Essay on its Origin (1989) Ist. Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, Rome.
  • W.F.M. Henkelman: “The Birth of Gilgameš (Ael. NA XII.21): a Case-Study in Literary Receptivity”, in: R. Rollinger, B. Truschnegg (eds.), Altertum und Mittelmeerraum: Die antike Welt diesseits und jenseits der Levante. Festschrift für Peter W. Haider zum 60. Geburtstag (Oriens et Occidens 12) (2006), 807-56.
  • B. Lewis: The Sargon Legend: A study of the Akkadian text and the tale of the hero who was exposed at birth (1980), American Schools of Oriental Research, Cambridge, MA.
  • A.B. Lord: The Singer of Tales (1960), Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
  • Th. Nöldeke: The Iranian national epic, or The Shahnamah (1930), K.R. Cama Oriental Institute, Mumbai.
  • A.Sh. Shahbazi: “Early Sasanians’ claim to Achaemenid heritage,” Nāme-ye Irān-e Bāstān 1/1 (2001), 2001, 61-73.
  • P.O. Skjaervo: “Eastern Iranian Epic Traditions I: Siyāvash and Kunāla.” In Jasanoff, Melchert, and Oliver (eds.) Mir. Curad (studies in honor of Calvert Watkins) (1998) 645-658.
  • P.O. Skjaervo: “Eastern Iranian Epic Traditions II: Rostam and Bhīṣma.” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (1998) 159-170.
  • J.H. Tigay, “On evaluating claims of literary borrowing”, in: M.E. Cohen, D.C. Snell & D.B. Weisberg (eds.), The Tablet and the Scroll. Near Eastern Studies in Honor of William W.Hallo (1993) CDL Press: Bethesda, MD: 250-255.
  • J. Vansina, Oral Tradition. A Study in Historical Methodology (1965). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • J. Vansina, Oral Tradition as History (1985), University of Winconsin Press, Madison, WI.
  • M. West, The East Face of Helicon. West Asiatic Elements in Greek Poetry and Myth (1997), Oxford University Press.
  • K. Yamamoto, The Oral Background of Persian Epics: Storytelling and Poetry (2003), Leiden.
  • E. Yarshater, “Were the Sasanians Heirs to the Achaemenids?”, in: La Persia nel Medioevo (1971), Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 517-531.
  • E. Yarshater, “Iranian National History”, in: The Cambridge History of Iran, Volume 3: The Seleucid, Parthian and Sasanid Periods (1983), 359-477.

Holger Michiels, “A blind spot in the history of technology - Roman segmental arch bridges”

A concise introduction to Roman bridges provides L. Quilici in J.P. Oleson’s Engineering and Technology in the Classical World (2008). C. O’Connor’s survey of Roman Bridges (1993) is useful particularly for its technical analysis. V. Galliazzo’s two volume I ponti romani (1994-95) contains by far the most comprehensive bridge catalogue. M. Durán’s La construcción de puentes romanos en Hispania (2004) offers a good overview for the peninsula. H. Barow’s Roads and Bridges of the Roman Empire (2013) is the most recent treatment of the subject.

The quote of Donald Hill  is from A History of Engineering in Classical and Medieval Times, 1984, p. 68; The quote of Joseph Needham is from Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. 4.3, 1971, pp. 175–184

Duncan B. Campbell, “A desert city long ago abandoned - Enigmatic Hatra”

In 2000, Topoi (vol. 10.1) published nine articles, mostly in Italian, to Hatra, edited by R. Venco Ricciardi. More recent – and more specialized – is the collection edited by L. Dirven, Hatra. Politics, Culture and Religion between Parthia and Rome (2013), with contributions in English by seventeen authors.