New Years Resolutions - an end to procastinating

As 2018 draws to a close, I have been taking stock. 2018 has been a hard year for me but despite it all, WS&S magazine has gone from strength to strength and I've had many enjoyable games in 2018. Even though we live in a time of uncertainty, I am looking forward to what 2019 will bring.

I've made previous New Year's Blogs, and looking back on them, for the most part I've kept those resolutions. Resolutions 1 and 2 (improve and keep experimenting with WS&S) are sound. My painting has improved (Resolution 3) with the simple addition of reading glasses.

Resolution 4 (improve my timekeeping) is better, but could be tweaked. I think I need to use my spare time better. Too much procrastinating. Facebook can be a great time eater, time better spent painting or going for a walk. On resolution 5, I still need to lose more weight, although I am now regularly keeping fit.

The start of the Ninth Analogue Painting Challenge has given me extra focus. I am taking steps to decide what I want to do and to start getting it painted.

I'm not too sure I believe in resolutions specifically for New Years - I think the concept of making firm decisions is sound, but why wait until the 1st January to change? Anything worth doing should be done now. Do I want to keep fit? Then I need to work it into your schedule. The same is true of wargaming, I need to allow quality time for myself.

What new resolutions do you have for the new year? Gaming related or otherwise?


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