Merry Xmas! Advent calendar painting results.

Merry Christmas to one and all! Here are the final results of this year's Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy Advent Calendar painting. Each of us, Chris, Guy, Mark and Jasper, chose a different project over the festive period. 

Chris K chose to do some Great War Germans from Wargames Atlantic. He had great fun assembling and painting these up, despite a hectic schedule at work and at home. He'll look forward to putting these on the table soon.

The editor, Guy B, opted to try the new Warlord Marquis of Montrose army in Epic scale.  There is a LOT in the starter set, and it became obvious that Guy had bitten off more than he could chew! Nevertheless, one group of Highlanders were painted - expect a future blog on these soon.

Mark B opted for some Oathmark Elf Cavalry from North Star, as part of an Oldhammer project. Mark has always wanted to collect a full set of Elf Cavalry but never did on grounds of cost until the new plastic set came out. 

Jasper found that hobbying when in possession of a brand-new puppy (awww, cute, yes, very) isn't easy, though it's getting better. He decided to paint two Brigade Games British gun crews for his AWI collection. The AWI figures, sculpted by Paul Hicks, are in their full finery. That makes them a lot of work to paint, but the end result is very colourful (though the mod-podge still needs to dry, shh!).

1 comment

Nice work gents

Een nieuw hondje is veel plezier Jasper. Alvast een gelukkig Nieuwjaar.

Andrew John Fuller

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