Votes are in for volume VIII

At the beginning of the month, I asked you to vote for themes for volume VIII of Ancient Warfaremagazine. The response has been very enthusiastic, with 558 votes cast. The poll is now closed and the following themes have “won”:

  • Scythians and Sarmatians (horsemen of the steppes)
  • The Ionian Greeks and their struggles
  • The Seleucid Empire
  • The Roman conquest of Greece

Because of considerable interest, the Judean Wars have been added as a theme for volume VIII and the fall of Rome will be included in volume IX for sure. (The Peloponnesian Wars are now back in the list of runners-up and you can vote for it again for volume IX next year.) 

A number of other themes have also proved popular, so these will be added to the poll for volume IX, which should be made available next year around the same time. These themes are:

  • The Peloponnesian Wars
  • War in Anatolia: the Hittites and their successors
  • The Illyrians (from ca. 1000 BC to the Roman era)

I have updated the editorial plan, so now you can see the order of the themes for volume VIII, as well as their estimated release dates and the (hard) deadlines for proposals. 

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