Ancient Warfare podcast on Patreon

I’ve not posted for a while due to having been extremely busy with moving to a new house. At the same time, I’ve also been getting Ancient Warfare issue X.5 ready for print, which deals with the empires of Persia. I’m really happy with how things turned out and I’ll write more about it later. In the meantime, why not subscribe to the magazine (if you don’t already have a subscription)?

Anyway, as you probably know, there’s also a podcast based on issues of Ancient Warfare that has been going on for quite a few years. There are now more than 50 episodes available. The latest episode was released last Sunday and deals with issue X.4, ‘Wars at the edge of empires’. Angus Wallace and the regular panel (including yours truly) shoot the breeze about border skirmishes for about three quarters of an hour.

The podcasts are always a lot of fun to do. They are made available by the History Network, with most of the really hard work put in by Angus Wallace, who produces the show and also serves as the show’s host. Angus has worked diligently on the podcast for years without getting paid. And now that the show’s finally reached parity with the magazine and we’re looking to expand the topics we want to talk about, we felt it was the right time to change things up a bit.

From this week on, you can support the Ancient Warfare podcast on Patreon. Patreon is a website where you can donate a few dollars (or euros, etc.) to support creative people and give them the resources to continue doing what they do. While the podcast is a collaboration between the History Network and Karwansaray Publishers, Angus has essentially been volunteering his skills and time for 50+ episodes now.

If you support the podcast on Patreon, any money you donate will go primarily towards covering Angus’s costs. In addition, Angus also wants to share some of the money with the regular panellists and guests we have on the show, who have so far all contribute their time and expertise free of charge. (Naturally, this doesn’t apply to me, as being on the podcast is in my job description!) If lots of people support the podcast, a percentage will be fed back to Karwansaray Publishers, but that’s only if the Patreon becomes massively successful.

So if you enjoy the Ancient Warfare podcast, please consider supporting the History Network’s Angus Wallace, the regular panellists, and the guests by donating on Patreon. Donations are handled on a per-episode basis, and you can set a limit to how much you want to give each month. Your support is greatly appreciated!

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