Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy 133

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In thist issue, we explore the most basic of tactics: charging madly forward. We'll look at when and why it works (and doesn't work) on the battlefield and on the tabletop.

Theme: Chaaaaaaaaaarge!
  • Guy Bowers, 'The charge: the most straightforward of tactics - Death or glory'.
  • Mark Backhouse, 'Seleucid shock and awe at the Battle of Panium - Revenge for Raphia'.
  • Rob Jones, 'The knightly charge, ordinate and in chaos - Bouvines and beyond'.
  • Rob Harper, 'The Battle of Nogent-sur-Seine, 11-12 February 184 - A heroic defence'.
  • Robert Lister, 'The charge of the Light Brigade, 25 October 1854 - Theirs but to do and die'.
  • Eoghan Kelly, 'Von Bredow's death ride at Mars-La-Tour - It will cost what it costs'.
  • Guy Bowers, 'The charge of the 5th Guards Tank Army - Counterattack at Prokhorovka'.
  • Guy Bowers, 'A look at miniatures on the charge - Cry havoc'.
  • Andrés Amian, 'Painting a "charge" themed cover - Swords, rifles, and dust'.
  • Mark Bretherton, 'Making the most of Warlord's ruined hamlet - The perfect ruin'.
  • Paul Mackay, 'Contrast paints on Epic Hail Caesar Romans - Speedy SPQR'.
  • Colin Farant, 'Faster better more - A man with a plan'.
  • Miniature reviews
  • Rick Priestley, 'This gaming life - One of the questions'.
  • Annie Norman, 'The Irregular - Historical wargaming with... women?!'.
  • Robert Lister, 'Heroic gaming for historical or fantasy - Let's play Midgard'.
  • Joe Mealy, Let's play Studio Tomahawk's V for Victory - High five for victory?'. 
  • Ian Beal, Guy Bowers, Jon Freeman, and Robert Lister, 'Game reviews - One-Hour Ancient & Medieval Skirmish Wargames, Freakz!, Once and Future King, and The Good'.
  • Book reviews
  • Parting shots

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