Medieval Warfare II.5

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In 1508, a number of major European powers formed the League of Cambrai with the intention of curbing the rise of Venice. The war that ensued would prove to be one of the most significant in the early modern period, characterized by shifting alliances and cunning diplomacy.

Theme: Turmoil in northern Italy: the War of the League of Cambrai

  • Historical introduction – Nils Visser
  • The Source – Vassilis Pergalias, 'Analysing Machiavelli’s Art of War'.
  • Filippo Donvito, 'The Battle of Ravenna'.
  • Jean-Claude Brunner, 'The Pope's gift to the Swiss: Julius II's 1512 presentation banners'.
  • Sidney Dean, 'The Battle of Marignano, 1515'.


  • The Castle – Konstantin Nossov, ‘Strife over the straits: medieval fortresses on the Bosporus and the Dardanelles (part II)'.
  • Special – Brian Burfield, 'Mining operations in the Middle Ages'.
  • The Battle – Stephen Bennett, 'The Battle of Evesham (1265)'.
  • The Warrior – Steven Pollington, 'The meadhall and the warrior'.

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