Lard Magazine 5 - 2022 (PDF)

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It’s back and it’s 185 pages of bumper wargaming fun.

  • The Battle for High Wood
    Internet sensation Alex Sotheran brings his Storm of Steel magic to Lard Magazine and gets us started with this action for Through the Mud & the Blood.
  • Action at Beda Fomm
    We’re off to the Western Desert in a small tank with this O Group scenario from the gold pen of housewives’ favourite David C.R. Brown.
  • Full of Eastern Promise - Previewing the Far East Supplement
    Big Rich explains what we can expect when Chain of Command takes us to the Far East! Make no mistake it’s hot, hot, hot!
  • La Barriere de Clichy
    The Russians are at the gates of Paris. David Hiscocks takes us to 1814 this artistically inspired Sharp Practice scenario.
  • Belov - Escape to Victory!
    Tom McKinnell maintains a Russian theme with some desperate fighting from the Eastern Front 1942 with three linked scenarios for Chain of Command.
  • Exclusive: Free .stl file
    Santa comes early in the form of this free .stl file download of a superb terrain piece for all readers of Lard Magazine, naughty or nice!
  • Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions
    No turkey for Jeremy Short this year as he transports us back to the days of The Baron’s War and Robin Hood with some adaptations to Dux Britanniarum with two tasty outlaw scenarios. Tights optional.
  • In the Age of Rifles
    That pantomime dame of wargaming, John Savage makes his first of many appearances in this Lard Magazine with a meaty piece for using Sharp Practice in the late 19th Century.
  • Perfidious Albion
    Gentleman John Savage takes on HG Wells in a quest to provide the most absurd Victorian invasion genre literature. Look out Dorking – the Prussians are coming! A moustache tickling accompaniment with force rosters for In the Age of Rifles for Sharp Practice.
  • The Eage Rises
    The Prussian and Austrian armies of 1866 get the John Savage treatment. Unit Rosters and National Characteristics for In the Age of Rifles for Sharp Practice.
  • Woodland Indians: an alternative view
    The theme of adaptations continues as Laurence Burrows offers some considered views on incorporating Woodland Indians into your Sharp Practice games.
  • Hood's Attack!
    Our scene shifts to Gettysburg where we see Des Darkin in the thick of the fighting with this bumper scenario for Pickett’s Charge.
  • Trajan's Tactical Tips!
    It’s been a great year for Strength and Honour. Learn how to win more games with these Top Tips from the toga-touting Trajan-fan Mark Backhouse.
  • A cruel necessity: reloaded
    Ioan Davies-John takes us back to when the first Charles was King as he provides updated rules for applying Sharp Practice to the English Civil War.
  • Before the walls of Corfinium
    Adrian Davis gives us a chance to put Trajan’s Tactical Tips to good use outside the walls of Corfinium. Three scenarios for Strength & Honour.
  • Torpedo Leader Malta
    A wave-skipping Bag The Hun scenario from Andy Crow and Reg from Dagenham as we send Rommel’s supply chain to the bottom of the sea. Dakka dakka dakka!
  • A look at Midgard
    A new rules journey is beginning. James Morris chronicles an exciting new rule set headed our way.
  • The battery at Merville
    Sidney’s Battlefield Challenge for 2022 sent Rich and Nick to Normandy. But it wasn’t all beer and sandwiches, as this Chain of Command scenario for the D-Day attack on the Merville Battery proves.
  • Head Inland
    It’s the wrong beach but that doesn’t bother Chris Smith, who shares the Chain of Command scenario that drew the crowds at Lard Workshop in August.
  • Hapsburg, Bonaparte and Juarez. The second French invasion of Mexico.
    It’s Lard Magazine so there must be a sombrero somewhere. Here Richard Crawley provides no fewer than four scenarios that take Sharp Practice on a Maximilian adventure.
  • Yes! We have no tamales!
    Colin Murray presents some campaign-specific Random Events for Sharp Practice games in the Maximilian adventure. Expect tequila.
  • Modelling a smashed jungle
    Terrain masterclass with Joe Bilton. How to make your jungle look like somebody has trodden on it, without actually treading on it. Novel. And great for the Far East!
  • Charge the bastards!
    Nick Skinner dons his XXXXL Denison and tells the thrilling story of the 2nd Battalion of the Parachute Regiment at Oosterbeek Laag with this Arnhem-themed scenario for Chain of Command.
  • The general is dead!
    Crete 1941. The glider containing the German general, and his battle plans, has smashed on landing. All inside are dead. But can the Commonwealth troops extract the plans before the Germans can stop them? Chain of Command scenario from Joe McGrath.
  • Go Sharp into the desert!
    He’s back. John Savage wipes the sand from between his toes and provides The John Savage Random Event table (pat pending) for colonial Africa and the Mahdi Revolt.
  • The death of Werner Voss
    Alex Sotheran returns with the tale surrounding the loss of Voss and provides some ideas on how to refight Voss’s last action using Algenon Pulls It Off. Includes links to Storm of Steel videos and rules downloads.
  • The affair at Lardingham Point
    A Prussian ironclad is sighted off the south coast of England. It can mean only one thing: a John Savage scenario is coming! Sharp Practice action for Perfidious Albion and In the Age of Rifles.
  • Introducing What a Cowboy
    Our very own Sidney Roundwood gets out his sixshooter and interviews (yes, you guessed it) John Savage, as we look ahead to the imminent release of What a Cowboy! What a finish!

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