Ancient Warfare XVI.6

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King at just 20, Alexander of Macedon spent two years securing his northern borders and Greece. In 334 he crossed the Hellespont to begin the campaign his father had prepared: the invasion of Achaemenid Persia.

Theme: Alexander attacks Persia

  • Jeremy Solel, 'Alexander's invasion of Asia Minor - Hellenism ascendant'.
  • Mark McCaffery, 'Finally facing Darius - Alexander at Issus'.
  • Nicholas Sekunda, 'Conflicting accounts of a famous battle - The charge across the River Granicus'.
  • Sean Manning, 'Phalangites with javelins - A preponderance of points'.
  • Murray Dahm, 'Alexander's phalanx commanders - Men you can trust'.


  • Olle Bergman, 'The mysterious massacre at Sandby Borg in AD 500 - Scandinavia's bloody Pompeii'.
  • Jo Ball, 'A cruel but unusual punishment - Decimation in the Roman army'.
  • Boris Dreyer et al., 'Testing reconstructed Roman ballistae - In the engine's sights'.
  • Murray Dahm, 'The Domitius Ahenobarbus reliefs - Detail in the census'.
  • Briana C. Jackson, 'Akhenaten's Nubian campaign - The pacificst goes to war'.
  • Duncan B Campbell, 'Painters and decorators in the Roman army - Tectores et pictores'.
  • Jo Ball, 'The tombstone of Viatorinus - Felled by Franks'.



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