Ancient Warfare 101

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The Peloponnesian War had ripped up the existing alliances in Greece — over the next decades, the main city-states looked for ways to regain money, power, and win battles.

Theme: Greece in the fourth century BC

  • Roel Konijnendijk, 'War is a violent teacher - Fourth-century Greek innovations'.
  • Aaron Beek, 'Keeping your distance - Peltasts in the fourth century BC'.
  • Bogdan Burliga, 'Bogeymen with javelins - The Battle of Lechaeum, 390 BC'.
  • John Diamond, 'The innovative Spartan - King Agesilaus II of Sparta'.
  • Murray Dahm, 'Making them longer and deeper - Fourth-century BC spears and phalanxes'.


  • Cezary Kucewicz, 'Hoplite stories - Decorated Peloponnesian shield bands'.
  • Tim Howe, 'Triumph to ignominy - Alexander's final year in India'.
  • Velite Aquila, 'The Daunii at war - Burning the Pyrrhic camp'.
  • Ben Chapman, 'Deva Victrix - The legionary fortress of Chester'.
  • Murray Dahm, 'Where did you get that hat? - Reflections on the Spong Hill Man'.
  • Robert C. L. Holmes, 'Clouds of war - Weather in ancient warfare'.
  • Jo Ball, 'Scout's honour - The tombstone of P. Sulpicius Peregrinus'.



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