PSC 10mm Cold War miniatures

Plastic Soldier Company has released starter boxed sets for Battlegroup Northag. Currently, there are two, the Soviet and British army starter sets. Each set provides you with enough miniatures for a decent starter force to game with, although I can see gamers soon wanting to expand their forces even further.

The sets have been reviewed by Henry Hyde on Youtube, so I have decided here to focus on the individual models and comment on detailing etc.

Considering their size, they are very well detailed. The material they are made out of (Ultracast), is a flexible resin plastic, which makes the finished kit very robust. They will even take paint without an undercoat.

The models are easy to assemble but some do have some faint mould lines to clear up. This is easily done with the careful application of a sharp knife. There have been some fears expressed on the internet that the gun barrels are 'floppy'. Having seen the models for myself, this is unfair. The barrels are very durable, can be bent to the angle you want them, and won't break, as shown in this clip by Piers Brand.

The infantry are well detailed, although I've yet to try a DPM pattern on them!

As for the models themselves, they paint up nicely. I think I need to find some 10mm scale transfers, as doing number by hand is tricky!

Overall, I really liked the models and am enjoying painting them. I'm still experimenting with the colours but I'm pretty happy with the results so far. Roll on our first Battlegroup Northag game with two painted opposing armies.

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