Arnhem at Arnhem, 2nd edition

Make your travel plans today! Wargaming is coming back to the Airborne Museum in Oosterbeek. On October 28th and 29th, the Museum will make its front room available for three wargaming tables. Two (new) tables will represent the fighting on the eastern side of the perimeter around September 21st, and another new table is focused on the efforts of 43 Division to break out of the Nijmegen bridgehead towards Driel. 

Visitors will be welcome to join in and play a few rounds of Chain of Command or What a Tanker and help take decisions that shape the game with help of experienced wargamers led by Nick Skinner and Richard Clarke of TooFatLardies. The museum will be open as normal for visitors, however, so wargamers should not expect to be able to hang around and play games all day.

WS&S made the writeup of last year's edition available for free, and you can watch a video report on the LittleWarsTV channel.

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