WSS at Crisis!

This Saturday is Continental Europe’s biggest (I suppose) wargaming show: Crisis, organised by the Tin Soldiers of Antwerp. Obviously, Karwansaray Publishers will be there with Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy, as well as Ancient Warfare, Medieval Warfare and our brand new first-ever issue of Ancient History Magazine. WSS editor Guy Bowers will be on-site to show his newly published Osprey ruleset Black Ops. Participation games are scheduled at 10.30, 12.30 and 14.30. Guy’ll be looking for four people at his table each time, and if you want to join in, you’ll have to make sure to swing by early on. Several seats have already been taken!

In-progress shot of a T-72 and some scatter terrain that I’m working on for Guy’s Black Ops table.

Other members of the Karwansaray Team also present are Wendy, in charge of the stand, and Erin, the new editor of Medieval Warfare. She’ll be eager to talk to readers and prospective authors. So if you have suggestions for articles, ideas about themes or would just like to meet the new editor, swing by the stand! Christy will be in the stand area as well, with paints, brushes and a figure to paint. If you have any questions about her painting process, be sure to ask her. And of course I’ll be there too, trying to make myself moderately useful, like managers do…

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