Prepping for the 11th Annual Analogue Painting Challenge

December 21st saw the start of the next Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. For those unfamiliar with the challenge, the goal is to encourage wargamers to paint over the winter months and aim to score as many points as they can.

Typically, you'll score five points of a 28mm figure and 20 points for a 28mm vehicle. There are also bonus rounds, to encourage painters to come up with something special. These rounds can be a certain scale, to a certain theme and help break up the challenge with something new and interesting.

The starting rule is simple, you can prep and build a figure (so undercoat is ok) but nothing more. Only miniatures painted between December 21st 2020 and March 20th 2021.

Semi painted models - none of these can count!

While I have started painting, I've some catching up to do. My teammates (Angus, Chris and Mark) have all left me in the dust... I have plenty of half-finished models but I can't use any of them, because they were started before the challenge began - and I'm too honest to cheat! I have three boxes of these unfinished models.

Thankfully, I have plenty of models primed and ready to go. I'd better get a move on, as the 20th January is the last point before disqualification, as you need to post something in the first month... watch this space!



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