Parting Shots Painting Technique

The alternative title for this blog is "Putting your money where your mouth is!"

I wrote a small piece for Parting shots in the current issue (WS&S 98, War of the Roses). It was on painting metal armoured miniatures really easily. For those unfamiliar with WS&S, Parting Shots is a page at the back of the magazine for hints and tips from wargamers to share with our readers.

I use a simple wash technique to make armour stand out, then undercoat on the non-metallic parts, followed by layers of colour and highlight.

Here are two Front Rank Wars of the Roses figures. The technique is quick and effective, allowing a number of troops to be painted quickly and efficiently.

I tried the same technique on some Wars of the Roses Cavalry from Crusader Miniatures. The horse could do with highlights and hooves, but I'm pretty happy the way it looks.

Finally some ladies from Bad Squiddo Games. On the left is Mary, the female knight, painted up for a D&D 5th Edition game. On the right is a female Viking Shieldmaiden (no shield yet).

These were all a joy to paint and (now I'm using glasses) up to a fairly good standard (for me at least!). This technique may be cutting corners to some, but really works for me. Try it yourself!

Perhaps you have a tip or technique you'd like to share with our readers. If you do, drop me a line at

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