Making cars for Mad Maximilian

Maximilian 1934 is the new 'car wars' game from Mana Press. Set in the 1930's, it imagines a world where cars duel each other with machine guns and various exotic weaponry.

Eureka Miniatures has made an excellent range of cars (concept designs by Ty Chapman and sculpted in 3D by Tim Popelier) specifically for the game. There's also the 20th-century follies range from 1st Corps. In the meantime, I'm looking around for suitable models to convert. The Lledo 'Past Times' range comes to mind.

Thankfully Warbases does a range of inexpensive interwar vehicles, including its Lancia Ansaldo, which was ripe for conversion. I love the shape of it and the 'crash' bars.

Note the added exhaust, a spare off a Chi Ha tank.

I started by constructing the kit and then modifying the turret. The machine-guns and mount were spares from the excellent Rubicon Commonwealth Willy's Jeep. The kit has enough spare guns for another vehicle or two after this one. The gunner is a spare torso from the Crooked Dice Scooter Gang set.

Making the wheels more 3D.

The wheels were a little too 2D for my liking, so I used a bit of Milliput to 'blow' the tyres up. I also smoothed out any obvious gaps in the mudguards and hull, plus adding an exhaust system to the bottom.

The finished model looks great. Now I just have to think whether I need to add anything more to it. A few rivets down the side, maybe? I'm not too sure it needs much more, as too many extras will detract from the look. Now for a suitable 1930's colour. Racing stripes, perhaps?


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