Like buses…

The Covid pandemic hit tabletop gaming in a funny way. For most of us the inability to meet friends for a face to face game seemed a shock. No more weekly club games, and that group painting session idea had to be shelved. From this near-apocalyptic demise sprouted small green shoots promising new opportunities.

Online gaming has boomed and gamers have had to think out of the box to get games in. Old friends have caught up from huge distances. Many gamers have been working from home or furloughed. Suddenly the lead mountains have been attacked with vigour and people have celebrated their painting achievements online. Solo gaming has suddenly raised its profile as gamers have been forced to use their initiative to think out of the box. Gaming has been in the national press, and the therapeutic benefits of modelling have helped many cope with an otherwise stressful time. All good stuff!


In the UK the restrictions have only recently been lifted and limited social interaction has started to return. This has meant a very cautious reopening of the local social club where we run our games, and hesitant gamers revealing themselves once again.

It was really great to get to the club for the first time in months and play a socially distanced WW2 game. Better still was converting a few lapsed gamers to get down to the club. They all realised what they had been missing!

Since then I’ve had to miss two club meetings with childcare but luckily the weather has been good. I’ve managed a game in my friend Neil’s wargames garden shed for a trial game of ’Infamy Infamy!’, as well as another garden game of ‘Homunculus Est’ against my mate Nick.

Being Back to once a week routine is a good feeling and smashing to catch up with friends in person. I can’t help but feel sad that our creativity under lockdown to innovate and experiment with new ideas might be shelved. Hopefully, we can keep some of that spirit going as we try to adapt to gaming in a new age?

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