First Look - Plastic Napoleonic British Cavalry

I recently received sample sprues of the new plastic British Napoleonic Cavalry from Warlord Games.

They have released two boxes of cavalry, one for the British Union Brigade and one for the British Household Brigade. Each comes with a metal officer and arm for a bugler.

British Union Brigade Sprue

The Union can be built as Dragoons for the Peninsula War or the Hundred Days. The different head options allow several cavalry regiments to be built, including the famous Scot's Greys.

British Household Cavalry Sprue

The Household Cavalry can be built as Lifeguards or as the King's Dragoons. Both saw action at Waterloo.

Painted by David Davies.

As you can see, they paint up nicely. I'll look forward to trying to paint some up myself, but I doubt I'll get them as nice as Dave's look.





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