Maps for WS&S 123
Here are the maps for Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy issue number 123, Rise of the Redcoats. All maps are copyright Rocío Espin.
Ravenfeast (pages 18 - 22)

This map is for the Ravenfeast scenario, the battle of Peterchurch on page 20.
Bingforce (pages 28 - 32)

This map is for Scenario 1: Dash from dawn, on page 30.

This map is for Scenario 2: Blow the bridge! on page 32.
Take a scalpel to your scenario (pages 34 - 37)

These maps are from "Taking a scalpel to your scenario" on pages 34 and 36.
The battle of Perekrestok (page 37)

This map shows the battle of Perekrestok scenario map. It was inspired by the historical Napoleonic battle of Quatre Bras. The red arrow shows where Red's reinforcements arrive from.
Charles' last roll of the dice (pages 44 - 47)

This map is the battle of St Neots from "The last roll of the dice" scenario on page 45.
Welkom in Vlaanderen! (pages 48 - 51)

This map is the battle of Walcourt from the "Welkom in Vlaanderen!" scenario, page 49.
Market day in Bad Wimpfen (pages 52 - 54)

This map is from the "Market day in Bad Wimpfen" scenario from page 53.
Battle of Bovey Heath (online article)

This map is from our online article, the Battle of Bovey Heath. The scenario can be found here.