Maps for WS&S 134

Here are the maps for Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy 134. All maps are created by and copyrighted to Rocío Espin.

Page 20. Eagle Omelette by Mark Backhouse.

Page 23. Napoleon at Little Gibraltar, the assault on Fort Mulgrave, by Gary Wills. Map of gaming area. The ground is open.

Page 25. Napoleon at Little Gibraltar, by Gary Wills. Map of Fort Mulgrave showing the guns and their effect in Black Powder terms.

Page 29. Bite and Hold, a WW1 scenario by Alex Sotheran. Map for scenario 1: Attack on German outposts (Platoon level).

Page 30. Bite and Hold. Map for scenario 2: Attack on German front-line position (Company level).

Page 30. Bite and Hold. Map for scenario 3: German counterattack (Platoon level).

Page 33. Opening up Omaha, by David Hiscocks. Map of the playing area.  

Page 41. I am Spartacus, by Mark Backhouse. Campaign map for the Spartacus Rebellion.

Page 47. The Battle of Ane 1227. Map of the battlefield, showing the Mommeriete marsh and Holthone 'hill'. 

Page 51. When Adam delved and Eve Span, by Rob Jones. A map of the de Hyde manor and grounds. 

Page 55. The Devil's Work, by Eoghan Kelly. The map for the battle of Leipheim 1525.

Online article. The Taxman Cometh by Robert Lister. Map for the scenario. H = Headman's houses. B = Tithe Barn. 

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