GWS 2017 7/31 questions - Scenarios and tournaments

Scenarios versus tournaments

One of the questions posted to the initial blog in this series asked about scenario and tournament games, and which is more popular. It appears the answer's pretty clear cut.

1,763 respondents answered they enjoy tournament games, while 5,854 answered they like scenario-driven games. Note though that two-thirds of the 'tournament gamers' also enjoy scenario-driven games.

It should probably be no surprise that tournament gamers are less likely to want to modify rules and enjoy building optimal lists. If you enjoy scenario-driven games, it makes sense you do your research.

Tournament gamers generally seem to play as part of larger groups, play at more public places, and put more emphasis on the 'hanging out' (click for the complete image).

Finally, two things stood out to me. First, both groups are more enthusiastic about their hobby than the average. Overall, 68.4% indicated they are determined to keep going. For those who enjoy scenario-driven games, that percentage is 71% and for the tournament-gamers it's even higher, at 73.9%. Tthis of course begs the question: which gaming preferences make one more likely to lose interest?

Second, both styles of gaming are more popular in the US (overall 29.1% of participants). That goes for scenario-driven games in the UK (overall 31.6% of respondents) as well. Tournament games, however, are in general apparently significantly less popular in the UK.

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